So Welcome to day 75. I find that we are in a good news bad news style situation. Good news is every single day we get closer and closer to finishing Run Frosty Run and clicking that delightfully satisfying "Upload Binary" button on the apple developer site. (this moment while exciting does lead to two weeks of stress about that game getting approved BUT thats its own kind of exciting. ) The Bad news is this game has been a bit harder than we originally anticipated. While the game in itself is not overly complicated we ran into several issues we didn't expect. for example we ran into the issue of the Ground prefab pieces moving faster than my colliders could detect. now this wasn't a hard fix but it just took some time. but when you have 20 or so issues popping up, even if they are relatively easy to fix it adds up.
I've slacked off a bit in the last few weeks as far as the developers blog is concerned... the reason for this is mainly that the pretty bits of the game are all (mostly) finished. the snowmen are modeled & animated. the ground prefabs built and the obstacles spawning beautifully! these last few weeks have all been about lists! (see look at you, your bored already...whens the last time you read about a list and got giddier than a 12 year old girl at a one direction concert) Basically everyday i sit down at my computer with my college ruled note book and i work my way down a list of things i need to do. this progresses at about a 1 completed/2 more added ratio. slowly the bugs fade away, the game becomes smoother, and the User Interface becomes prettier. currently I'm sitting at about 14 items left to check off and about 16 things left to model. (things that haven't yet been reveals so stop being nosey and be patient! ) so we are certainly getting their. the biggest goal for this week is to finish up most of these issues and hopefully put together an official announcement trailer.
After the lists are finished we will move on to the hardcore testing phase. we will play the game so many times that the next time winter rolls around we might take a baseball bat to our neighbors beautifully crafted snowman and then we will play the game some more. we will make our friends families and significant others play it. we might even stand on a street corner with a sign that says " Will Loiter for play testers" and then we will submit the game to apple (pushing the aforementioned satisfactory button)
One final note on things we've been working on is trying to connect more to our indie gamers. we've been hitting the "inter-webs" and posting on forms and attempting to get ahold of people who might want to review/preview RFR in order to get it out to the masses. this is, as always, the hardest part. convincing people that your game is better and worth their time more than the latest flappy bird clone is harder than programming any day.
as always please sound off in the comments below with any questions, comments or advice you may have. and if you haven't yet please take a moment to swing by our Facebook page and give us a like!