Thursday, May 29, 2014

Developers Blog Day 50

So it would appear i let time slip away from me and missed the update for this week. so allow me to remedy that today!

The Biggest thing we've been working on the fix in up the GUI's and connect all GUI's to their proper actions. for example we have an unlockable screen which has all the snowmen you can unlock through the course of the game (these are bought via collectable in game currency). i've finished making it so if the snowmen are locked it displays a silhouette of the locked character along with the price to unlock said character. if the character is unlocked it shows an unlocked icon and if the character is selected it displays a third different icon.

Above Locked, Middle Unlocked, Bottom Selected.

from there i've moved to making the correct snowman(or women) spawn in the main level. we also adjusted the obstacle spawn script so that it eases you in more than it did before.  the script basically works like this. first it picks a random number between two variables minRange and Max Range. then  once the timer exceeds that range it spawns a random obstacle Prefabs (of which we have about 14 different ones built as of right now. there will be more) these Prefabs range from a simple one tree blocking one of four lanes all the way to 3 obstacles blocking 3 lanes. originally it didn't care how far into the game you were it would simply chose one of the fourteen and spawn it. we felt this created too much difficulty right out of the gate. so we added a bit of control to lock out certain prefabs until the player has reached a certain time. also we added a bit of code that slowly lowers the MaxRange variable so the game continues to get harder and harder. YAY CHALLENGE! The biggest thing right now we need to work on is getting the animations on our snowmen to play properly. the default one works great but we have an animation for moving left and right that don't work so well. they start to play then stop in the middle.  i'm quite certain this will be a very easy fix tho and should take no time at all!  once we get that done we will be (mostly) done with the main gameplay! then we just have to move on to the little extra things we want added in like loading screens!

Before i go i'll leave you with the interesting issues we've had this week.

FIRST. we have a snowflake magnet power which does exactly as you'd expect. except its a bit of an over achiever. Basically we hadn't gotten around to programming the snowflake destroy script. so when the snow magnet power kicks on it calls in EVERY SINGLE snowflake spawned over the course of you current round giving you this weird little snow shield...

SECOND!  it's VERY important to delete by type > history when importing models into unity... if not you will accidentally spawn a snow demon into your game and have nightmares for the rest of the week... 

As always please leave us a comment below and let us know what you guys think or if you have any questions! also if you haven't yet please stop by and give our Facebook page a Like! Thanks

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