Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Developer Diary Day 1

April 9th 2014

So today marked the first official day of Winter Stories Studios new project. This will be the first Winter Stories Studio project in which i'll have help. (so basically if it sucks blame the other guy...thats my plan...Sorry David...) i'm very excited to get to work with my good friend David and WSS new scape goat on this one and hopefully it'll turn out even better than our other projects so far. ( here at WSS we like to set the bar low....) We don't have a name only a fairly simple concept which over the next few weeks we will be attempting to hash out into an enjoyable game.

we started the process of making this game by doing a bit of sketches and establishing a generalized look to the game.Theres every chance that this look will change 20 times between now and the time the game actually launches but at least now we've got a bit of a starting point.

for the most part we are keeping all of the info about this game close to the chest. we will be giving out more info in the weeks to come. but the big part we did today was a bit of prototyping. basically testing out bits of scripting  in very simplified level set up with primitive shapes and no animations .(scripting is writing the code that makes the games run. with out scripts all games would merely be random objects just sitting around not even collecting dust...because someone would have had to write a script to control how the objects would collect sum up scripting it SUPER important) with out going into to much detail i was working on a piece of coding that was controlling a bit of randomization in the level. after all if it was the exact same every time where would be the fun?!  but for some reason my randomized object refused to behave correctly. but finally after a bit of fiddling,  6 new curse words, and a broken stress ball  i think we figured it out. of course as the old(ish but not really) saying goes 99 little bugs in the code, 99 bugs in the code take one down, patch it around 147 bugs in the code...

we will be back in a couple of days with another update and hopefully a bit more details about the game itself.


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